Each of our items shows either an 'In stock' status or an estimated lead time in days. If the item shows as 'In Stock' then you will be able to order for next day delivery, timed deliveries and weekend deliveries. The product's webpage will also make it clear what time cut-off is for next day delivery. We are sometimes able to extend these times depending on how busy our warehouse is, so if you have missed the cutoff time, why not give us a call on 01202 55 66 55? The website will automatically show your delivery date depending on what you're ordering, what time of day it is, and what day of the week.
If the item shows a lead time in days (eg. Estimated 2 - 4 working days), this is our best estimate for how it will take us to get them to you. We will always let you know if there are any issues with this estimate, but we do recommend you don't book any tradespeople until you receive your items and check them over.
If you're in a hurry, we can often help so give us a call on 01202 55 66 55.